Explanations to the different abbreviations:
CAC/CACIB/CAGCIB/CACS = Different certificates taken in different classes for adult, fertile, cats (93p/95p/96p/97p)
CAP/CAPIB/CAGPIB/CAPS = Different certificates taken in different classes for adult, neutered, cats (93p/95p/96p/97p)
CACC = Certificate for kittens, 4-8 months old
CACJ = Certificate for juniors, 8-12 months old
PH = Price of Honour (For cats that are Supreme Champion/Supreme Premier)
EX = Excellent judgement of a kitten or junior cat (88p)
BOV = Best of Variaty
NOM = Nominated to panel (The judges best adult, neuter, kitten or junior cat)
BIS = Best In Show
BOB = Best of the Best